
Results for "Understanding Pharmaceutical Distribution"

    HDA Foundation Serialization Survey Shows Slow Progress, Industry Concerns Leading Up to 2023 DSCSA Compliance Deadline

    According to the HDA Research Foundation’s latest Serialization Readiness Survey, three-quarters of surveyed pharmaceutical manufacturers anticipate sending 100 percent of Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA)-required serialized data with shipped products by November 27, 2023 — the deadline to comply with the law.

    How Cardinal Health Is Transforming the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

    Healthcare distributors, as logistics experts of the supply chain, are constantly innovating to increase efficiencies, optimize operations and generate solutions for an ever-evolving ecosystem — while continuously ensuring the safe, efficient and reliable delivery of 10 million medicines and healthcare products every day.

    FDA, Industry Experts Urge DSCSA Action at HDA’s 2023 Traceability Seminar

    HDA convened more than 400 healthcare supply chain stakeholders, technology experts and regulatory officials for the association’s Traceability Seminar. This highly anticipated event provided a forum to discuss implementation challenges and strategies for Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) compliance as the industry faced a November 27, 2023, deadline to establish a framework to trace pharmaceuticals across the supply chain.