Leveraging Public-Private Collaboration to Tackle Prescription Drug Misuse and Diversion
HDA and its member companies fully support efforts to bring industry and government together to tackle our nation’s complex prescription drug abuse and diversion epidemic.

This serious healthcare challenge threatens both patient safety and the security of the healthcare supply chain. While distributors do not prescribe or dispense drugs directly to patients, they do share a common goal with physicians, manufacturers, pharmacists, law enforcement officials, policymakers and the public — to help ensure a safe supply of medicines while minimizing the potential for their abuse or misuse.

Among other safeguards, distributors support access to Medication Assisted Treatment and are dedicated to keeping prescription painkillers out of the hands of people who may use them for purposes other than those for which they are intended.

HDA PCSC Supports Supply Chain Security
Members of HDA have access to the Pharmaceutical Cargo Security Coalition (PCSC), an HDA service offering that provides a forum for industry security and logistics professionals to exchange supply chain risk intelligence. Members have access to advanced supply chain security intelligence as well as vital industry, government and vendor contacts.

The resources below address the industry’s approach to countering diversion and supporting the safe supply of medicines to licensed entities across the supply chain.
- HDA Comments on MOUD Guidelines
- HDA Comments on SAMHSA Proposed Rule on Medications for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
- HDA Comments on Direct Final Rule on DEA Form 222 Clarification
- HDA Comments on DEA Proposal To Require Electronic Reporting of Thefts or Significant Losses
- HDA Comments on the DEA Proposed Rule on Registration and Reregistration Fees
- HDA Comments on the DEA Proposed Rule on Suspicious Orders of Controlled Substances

Our Advocacy Work on Behalf of Members
HDA reviews key priority issues and advocates on behalf of its pharmaceutical distributor members in areas like standards, public policies and business processes. HDA members have a powerful, unique voice and perspective and an opportunity to help educate lawmakers and inform public policy.
Not a member? Join today. |