
Results for "Understanding Pharmaceutical Distribution"

    Securing the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Against Scammers

    The global supply chain continues to face scrutiny, with port backups and product shortages grabbing headlines. However, as Chuck Forsaith, Vice President and Founder of HDA’s Pharmaceutical Cargo Security Coalition (PCSC), shared in a recent episode of the Pharmacy Crossroads podcast, there is another supply chain risk impacting trading partners throughout the healthcare distribution industry — which HDA’s PCSC has been diligently tracking and working to combat. Pharmacy Crossroads, hosted by pharmacy industry veteran Bruce Kneeland, provides an insider voice for the community pharmacy industry and is a member of the Pharmacy Podcast Network.

    HDA Names New Federal Government Affairs, Communications Appointments

    The Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) announced new appointments to its Government Affairs and Communications teams.

    Leveraging Public and Private Sector Collaboration to Respond to COVID-19

    While it has only been a few months since the first American was diagnosed with COVID-19, the scope of the pandemic is one which we have never experienced before. Throughout, it has become abundantly clear that our nation’s ability to effectively respond to this once-in-a-lifetime crisis depends on the public and private sectors joining forces, maintaining constant coordination, and working together to identify operational and regulatory barriers impeding access to medicines and medical supplies.