
Results for "Understanding Pharmaceutical Distribution"

    HDA’s Chip Davis Assesses State of the Distribution Industry at 2021 BLC Online

    HDA President and CEO Chip Davis recently spoke at the 2021 BLC Online about the unique role of the healthcare distribution industry in combating COVID-19, how distributors continue to rise to its challenges and what is still needed to turn the corner on the pandemic, among other association priorities.

    Member Spotlight: When Distribution Is a Family Calling

    While the business of pharmaceutical distribution has changed significantly over the past eight decades, HDA members like Capital Wholesale Drug Company (Capital Drug) have continued to play an essential role in providing safe and efficient healthcare delivery to trusted pharmacists and providers.

    HDA Chairman Kirk Kaminsky on Membership Visit to D.C. Office, Capitol Hill

    After a successful first quarter, HDA welcomed its Board of Directors, members and other esteemed guests to officially open the association’s new headquarters in the nation’s capital on April 19, as well as to convene its spring governance meeting the following day. In addition to conducting the business of the HDA Board of Directors and Open House, 20 members of the Board and their executives spent time on Capitol Hill speaking with members of Congress about the value of the healthcare distribution sector. After his first official meeting as HDA’s Chairman of the Board, Kirk Kaminsky, President, Pharmaceutical Solutions and Services for McKesson Corporation, reflected on the events and talked about his new role as HDA Chairman, HDA’s office and the importance of engagement in Washington and across the country in this Q&A blog.