

Pennsylvania Healthcare Community Launches Effort to Improve Supply Chain Integration and Collaboration

October 25, 2022 HARRISBURG, Pa. — The Pennsylvania Healthcare Supply Chain Leadership Alliance (PA-HSCLA) convened the Commonwealth’s healthcare and provider industry today to launch a collective effort aimed at creating a more resilient healthcare product supply chain in the Commonwealth. Organizations representing manufacturers, researchers, distributors and healthcare providers joined together to begin conversations to bolster supply chain integration, awareness and collaboration and open lines of communication among supply chain allies and government entities responsible for protecting the healthcare needs of Pennsylvanians.

“As we have learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical that we have a strong and resilient healthcare supply chain to ensure that providers and their patients have access to the supplies, medications and resources they need,” said Andy Pickett, Director of Emergency Preparedness and Response, Department of Health. “Communication, education and collaboration across our healthcare sector and with our healthcare coalitions will only help to improve access to routine and emergency care. I applaud the Pennsylvania healthcare community for coming together on this issue, and I look forward to working with the PA-HSCLA.”

The newly formed PA-HSCLA is convening organizations representing the healthcare product supply chain, or those responsible for ensuring medications and healthcare supplies are manufactured, distributed and provided to patients. Through collaboration, communication and education, the PA-HSCLA will seek to preserve, protect, and strengthen the product distribution arm of the healthcare ecosystem throughout Pennsylvania. Efforts will focus on:
  • Expanding the safety and security of the healthcare product supply chain;
  • Enhancing government and product supply chain collaboration through public-private partnerships;
  • Educating stakeholders on both individual and integrated product supply chain roles, including innovation and manufacturing, distribution efficiency and delivery of care;
  • Opening lines of communication between manufacturers, healthcare distributors, pharmacies, first responders and public agencies;
  • Improving logistics and administrative efficiencies, allowing providers to spend more time serving patients; and,
  • Realizing the positive economic impact and cost-savings efficiencies created by a strong, efficient product supply chain.

“As the logistics experts of the supply chain, healthcare distributors understand the importance of collaboration and communication,” said Matthew DiLoreto, Senior Vice President of State Government Affairs and Alliance Development, Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA). “The healthcare system is multifaceted, and the supply chain needs to securely and efficiently operate regardless of the challenge it encounters — whether navigating a natural disaster or a once-in-a-generation pandemic. Understanding the role of the healthcare supply chain has never been more prominent, and as a group, we are committed to providing accessible, equitable and effective healthcare to the residents of Pennsylvania and across the U.S.”

The PA-HSCLA held its first conversation today during a breakfast event in Harrisburg. The Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) was joined by the PA Pharmacists Association (PPA) and 16 other state organizations representing nurses, doctors, hospitals, health systems, manufacturers and more. Rep. Seth Grove (R) also spoke about the importance of continuing to build a more resilient, stronger healthcare supply chain in Pennsylvania and across the nation.

“Pharmacists are on the frontlines of patient care — not only administering critical vaccines and medications but building trust and relationships with the community,” said Victoria Elliott, Pharmacist and CEO, Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association. “Our members have their fingers on the pulse of patient needs and offer valuable insights for the rest of the healthcare supply chain and the elected officials making policy decisions. We look forward to streamlining and improving communication and collaboration between our industries and the government.

The PA-HSCLA will continue working to involve additional stakeholders across the healthcare product supply chain and plans to hold quarterly conversations and meetings.

To learn more, watch the video below:


About HDA

The Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) represents primary pharmaceutical distributors — the vital link between the nation’s pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmacies, hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics and others nationwide. Since 1876, HDA has helped members navigate regulations and innovations to get the right medicines to the right patients at the right time, safely and efficiently. The HDA Research Foundation, HDA’s nonprofit charitable foundation, serves the healthcare industry by providing research and education focused on priority healthcare supply chain issues.