Company Information

Value Drug Company

Member Type

Distributor (Active)

Organization Type



The Mission of Value Drug Company Through dedication to the delivery of industry leading products and services, Value Drug Company allows its members to thrive in a competitive community pharmacy environment. We are dedicated to pursue opportunities to better serve our members, while maximizing the profitability of our operations and stockholders. Our measure of success is the mutual success of Value Drug Company, its shareholders and our partners. The Board of Directors, management and staff of Value Drug Company will continue to remain responsive to the needs of our customers. By reacting to the changes in the marketplace, and remaining aware of the challenges of the independent pharmacy community we will be able to achieve this goal. To facilitate the success of independent pharmacy, allowing for optimum patient care in the community and long term care environments

Contact Information

195 Theater Drive, PO Box 1027

Duncansville, PA 16635


Services Offered

Ad Circular Program

Bar Coding Products


Contract Administration

General Merchandise (GMD)

Generics Source Program

Government Facilities

Health and Beauty Care (HBC)

Home Health Care (HHC)

Homeopathic (HPP)


Independent Drug Stores

Long Term Care Facilities

Medical/Surgical Equipment (MSE)

Orphan Drugs (ORD)

Over-the-Counter Merchandise (OTC)

Prescription Pharmaceuticals - Branded (RXB)

Prescription Pharmaceuticals - Generics (GEN)

Private/Control/Store Labels

Promotional Goods

Sales & Marketing

Telemarketing Services

Vaccines (VAC)

Voluntary Co-op Group
