Company Information

Consumer Healthcare Products Association

Member Type

PCSC Corporate

Organization Type



CHPA is the not-for-profit association representing the makers of over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements, and the consumers who rely on these healthcare products. CHPA is one of the oldest trade associations in the United States, and represents one of the most dynamic and cost-effective segments in the healthcare environment today.

Contact Information

1625 Eye Street NW, Suite 600

Washington, DC 20006



  • Allgaier, Beth

    SVP, Industry Relations, Consumer Healthcare Products Association
  • Cluckie, Robbie

    State & Local Govt Affairs, Consumer Healthcare Products Association
  • Driscoll, Charlynn

    Director of Education and Meetings, Consumer Healthcare Products Association
  • Herrmann, Carolyn

    Legal, Consumer Healthcare Products Association
  • Howard, Marcia

    Vice President, Regulatory & Scientific Affairs, Consumer Healthcare Products Association
  • Kochanowski, Barbara

    Supply Chain Security, Consumer Healthcare Products Association
  • McDonald, Mary

    Meetings Planner, Consumer Healthcare Products Association
  • Melville, Scott

    President and CEO, Consumer Healthcare Products Association
  • Moore, Gregory

    Director of Public Safety, Consumer Healthcare Products Association
  • Roehrig, Rachael

    Director, Technical Affairs, Consumer Healthcare Products Association