Become a Key Player in an Essential System
Service providers play an important role in ensuring that our nation’s pharmaceuticals, vaccines and medical therapies are delivered safely and efficiently — by offering solutions that enable vitally needed medicines to reach their destination safely and efficiently. Join an organization connecting you with trading partners that need solutions for supply chain success.
Who Are Our Service Provider Members?
Service providers considering an HDA membership must provide key services that solve challenges for the entire healthcare distribution ecosystem. From barcoding and track and trace technologies to high-speed automated visual inspection systems, service providers deliver cutting-edge solutions that help pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors enhance their business operations.
Your Work Requires Making Connections. We Link You to the Right Industry Partners.
The business of safe and secure healthcare delivery requires sharing of industry knowledge and solutions — and we help teams build alliances with leaders within each supply chain segment. No matter the service your company offers, HDA membership is designed to help you build close business relationships with the right people, while sharing industry knowledge, as you work as one supply chain to deliver care safely, effectively and efficiently.
Benefits Our Service Provider Members Enjoy
Opportunities to network one on one with business partners at the members-only Business and Leadership Conference and other events Significant discounts to exhibit at the Distribution Management Conference and Expo and select educational seminars Opportunities to generate new ideas to help optimize efficiencies in the healthcare supply chain through work groups and advisory groups The chance to strengthen your alliances and enhance your company visibility through advertisements and sponsorship opportunities | Listing in and access to HDA online membership directory as well as a unique member service provider search Access to electronic mailings such as the HDA Weekly Digest to keep you informed of new programs, industry issues and trends and other government activities Complimentary copies of key HDA guidelines, documents and reports addressing such issues as product returns and recalls, bar coding, EDI and more |
HDA Service Provider Members
- 3Keys US
- ACG Inspection Systems LLC
- advanco
- Advasur, LLC
- AeroSafe Global
- Americares
- Antares Vision Group
- Apace Packaging
- Arvato Systems N.A.
- Axway
- Baylor Trucking, Inc.
- Blessings International
- Blue Link ERP
- Bottomley Enterprises, Inc.
- Boyle Transportation, an Andlauer Healthcare Group company
- C.H. Robinson Worldwide
- Catholic Medical Mission Board
- Covectra, Inc.
- CRECON Research & Consulting Inc.
- DCAA Solutions
- DeSpir Logistics
- DHL Supply Chain
- Direct Customer Solutions
- Direct Relief
- Dispensary of Hope, LLC
- DOit Systems Inc (DBA: DOit ERP)
- D-Trans LLC
- Engineering Industries eXcellence
- FedEx Supply Chain
- Feed The Children
- Fox Strategies, Inc.
- Frontier Scientific Solutions
- Gateway Checker
- GRx
- Healthcare Ready
- Identiv, Inc.
- Inmar Intelligence
- InspirEd Learning
- IntegriChain
- Kenco Logistic Group
- Kindler & Crimmins Associates
- Knipper 3PL
- Korber Supply Chain Consulting
- LedgerDomain, Inc.
- Legisym, LLC
- LSPedia
- Masters Medical, Inc.
- Movilitas.Cloud
- NNIT - Formerly Excellis Health Solutions
- OPEX Corporation
- OptiSource
- Pharma Logistics, Ltd
- PharmaLink, Inc.
- Phil Inc.
- Porzio Compliance Services LLC
- RX Return Co
- Softeon Inc.
- Spherity, Inc.
- Systech
- Tecsys Inc.
- Ten Count Consulting
- TraceLink Inc.
- Tucker Company Worldwide, Inc.
- Two Labs Pharma Services - An Envision Company
- United Parcel Service, Inc.
- VAI Pharma ERP
- VineMeds, LLC
- Wipotec
Join HDA With a Service Provider Membership
Dues for service provider members are $7,800 per year. Additionally, a one-time, nonrefundable $1,000 application fee must accompany the completed forms. You will be billed for annual membership dues once your application has been approved, pro-rated as applicable. Thereafter, dues are payable each year by January 31.
The completed application, with payment, should be returned to HDA through email at, through fax at (202) 831-0969, or by mail: HDA, Attn: Accounts Receivable, 1275 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20004.
For more information, contact Lisa Kanfer, Vice President, Membership and Development.