We Are Logistics Experts

Healthcare distributors use their logistics expertise and strong partnerships throughout the pharmaceutical supply chain to solve healthcare’s biggest challenges. During natural disasters or supply chain disruptions, distributors are problem solvers — focused on reducing disruptions for patients who depend on their medicines. The industry brings a relentless focus to finding solutions that get medicines to patients, support providers on the front lines and ultimately foster a more resilient supply chain. 

Anticipating — and Overcoming — Supply Chain Obstacles

Though the U.S. healthcare supply chain remains the safest and most secure in the world, disruptions can happen, potentially impacting patient access. The distribution industry works continuously to anticipate potential disruptions. If they do occur, distributors implement a range of strategies to mitigate the impact on patients — and ultimately, ensure the consistent and reliable delivery of prescription medicines.

Rows of medicines

Delivering Millions of Products Nationwide

Healthcare distributors work hard to deliver 10 million medicines to pharmacies and hospitals each day — reaching communities from the biggest cities to the smallest towns. Our industry supports providers and pharmacists and helps ensure patients have the medicines they need.

Pharmacist with medicines

Ensuring Medicines Reach Patients

When challenges to the drug supply chain occur, distributors help lessen their impact. We are often the first call a pharmacist or other healthcare provider makes to find an alternative therapy, given our unique partnerships with manufacturers and healthcare providers. No other entity in the supply chain plays this critical role.

Capitol Hill

Advocating for Collaborative Solutions To Strengthen the Supply Chain

HDA and its members advocate for collaborative solutions and policies to strengthen the supply chain and help ensure lifesaving medicines are available to providers and their patients. The distribution industry supports, and relies on, a robust and competitive generics market that can consistently produce high-quality medicines.

Pharmacy shelves

For more information and resources, visit our policy page.

Learn more about how distributors are collaborating with supply chain stakeholders to tackle complex drug supply issues and help ensure the availability of safe and effective medicines by clicking the link below.