Enhance Your Advocacy Engagement by Supporting the HDA Political Action Committee
The HDA Political Action Committee (PAC) is a qualified, multi-candidate PAC registered with the Federal Election Commission. As a vital component of the Alliance's advocacy efforts, the HDA PAC is an effective way to become more politically active and support candidates who share the legislative priorities of primary pharmaceutical distributors.
Visit the PAC Member Portal
Visit the member website to learn more about HDA's PAC, which advocates for vital healthcare supply chain and distribution policies.
Visit the SiteThe PAC provides campaign contributions to federal candidates for elected office who are interested in policy issues that advance the safe, secure and efficient delivery of lifesaving medicines. Additionally, the HDA PAC provides the Alliance and its member companies with a greater ability to communicate with elected officials.
The HDA PAC also informs and updates PAC contributors about key legislative and regulatory issues affecting the healthcare distribution industry, HDA member companies and customers.