2024 HDA PCSC Educational Seminar
April 3-4, 2024 | Hanover Marriott
Sponsorship and Exhibits
Sponsoring and exhibiting at the 2025 PCSC Educational Seminar are effective ways to enhance your company's exposure, build relationships with decision makers and boost your brand.
- 6' exhibit table in a high-traffic location, ensuring face-to-face time with potential customers;
- An outdoor demonstration opportunity;
- PDF attendee registration list provided before and after the conference;
- Brand recognition on the HDA/PCSC website and the PCSC seminar app;
- Recognition in PCSC alert emails and e-blasts sent to 10,000 healthcare executives;
- On-site visibility on signage and session slides; and,
- Complimentary registration.
Sponsorships may include:
- Your company logo on décor items at meal or networking functions;
- A 1-minute company video advertisement played live during the seminar;
- PDF attendee registration list provided before and after the conference;
- Brand recognition on the HDA/PCSC website and the PCSC seminar app;
- Recognition in PCSC alert emails and e-blasts sent to 10,000 healthcare executives;
- On-site visibility on signage and session slides; and,
- Complimentary registration.
For more information about sponsorship opportunities, contact Lisa Kanfer, Vice President, Membership and Development.
For more information about exhibit opportunities, contact Michelle Leslie, Director, Membership and Education.
Event Contacts
Registration and Hotel Information
Sponsorship Opportunities
Exhibit Opportunities
Conference Schedule, Speaker Information, and Education Content