Get Involved

Take Part in Delivering Excellence

Getting involved in the HDA Foundation means helping to advance the technologies, business practices, ideas and people that will propel our sector into the future. Through your participation and support, you are helping to deliver on the distribution sector's ultimate promise to ensure that families across the world have safe, efficient access to the medical therapies they need to thrive. 

Karen J. Ribler scholarship

As part of its mission to support innovation and education of pharmacy and supply chain professionals, the HDA Research Foundation, in conjunction with HDA’s professional development program, Convene, is cultivating the next generation of supply chain leaders. The Karen J. Ribler Scholarship — renamed in honor of the Foundation’s former COO — is available annually to graduate-level students currently working within HDA-member distributor and manufacturer companies.

Karen Ribler, who led the Foundation for nearly a decade, was a fierce advocate for not only the Foundation, but also academic pursuit and leadership development. With the goal of fostering knowledge and leadership through educational and professional development opportunities, the Foundation is proud to carry on her legacy by developing the future growth of HDA-member professionals and their companies — and by extension, enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the pharmaceutical supply chain.

The application period for the 2024 Karen J. Ribler Scholarship Program is closed. 

For questions, please contact Rachel Newman at

 Learn about Past winners

Young professional studying


Each year, over 750 individuals from more than 400 companies and universities use HDA Research Foundation resources and participate in our annual CEO Roundtable Fundraiser. Sponsorship puts your company front and center with trading partners and enhances the work of the Foundation throughout the year, including our research publications, events, student research projects and scholarship program. You can also support the Foundation by contributing as an individual. 

For more information on annual sponsorships, contact Lisa Kanfer, Vice President, Membership and Development. 

2024 Contributors

Work With Us

There are two important ways to further the work of the HDA Research Foundation:

Make a Donation

Donations are an important way to advance the work of the HDA Foundation. To get started, contact Lisa Kanfer, Vice President, Membership and Development.

Submit a Proposal

The solutions of tomorrow are the subject of inquiry today. Submit a proposal for research vital to the future of our industry.